It was, of course, a statistical inevitability that we would eventually get a set of chess-themed Pokémon – and here they are, the sword-wielding Dark/Steel Pokémon, Pawniard and Bisharp. In fact, not content with merely using bladed weapons, these Pokémon are literally made of interlocking blades, just to make absolutely sure that they can cut you to ribbons just by running into you. As always, the first question is: what were Game Freak thinking here? I don’t mean that rhetorically or sarcastically, I’m genuinely curious. This design seems to be going in a couple of different directions and I’m not sure which one they started from or where they’re trying to take them or how they’re supposed to fit together. Their vicious and aggressive personalities seem to follow sensibly from the blade theme, which seems to be Pawniard’s main schtick (or alternatively, simply from the fact that he’s a Dark-type; the vast majority of them are born to be jerks). Then, on a completely different tack, we have the chess idea, with their names referencing the pawns and bishops of European chess. Pawniard’s body shape, particularly the rounded head, seems intended to mimic the shape of a pawn, and Bisharp could likewise be seen as fairly similar in appearance to a bishop, although that one’s a bit of a grey area. I’m not sure what to make of the chess motif since it doesn’t seem to extend beyond that. Pawniard hunt in groups led by a single Bisharp, which might be taken to imply that Bisharp have an aptitude for strategy, but that’s all I can find (also, if chess is what the designers had in mind there, one would expect to find two Bisharp in a band, since there are two bishops in a chess set). Honestly, that seems to me like a really weird design choice – naming a pair of Pokémon Pawniard and Bisharp hits some very specific and very obvious notes, and I don’t understand why you’d want to hit them unless you intended to go somewhere with them. From what I’ve been able to find out, the chess pun isn’t as strong in their original names, Komatana and Kirikizan – koma is the word for a piece (any piece, not a pawn specifically) in Japanese chess, and Kirikizan doesn’t seem to be a chess pun at all (there are bishops in Japanese chess, which work in exactly the same way as European bishops, but the word for them is kakugyo) – or in the names they have in other languages. I’m left wondering whether the translated names are just inappropriate. If not chess references, though, what is the point of these two?
The thing about Bisharp that sticks out the most at me is how much he reminds me of Gallade, the Psychic/Fighting knight Pokémon of Diamond and Pearl. I see a humanoid body shape, I see arm blades, I see rounded helmet-like heads and I see curved head crests (I even see similar combat attributes – switch their physical defence and special defence scores, and Bisharp and Gallade would be uncannily similar – but I’ll talk about that later). Bisharp would actually be strikingly appropriate as a dark counterpart to Gallade: a “black knight” to Gallade’s “white knight.” Unfortunately that’s not what he is; he’s just something that the designers thought was cool the first time and might be cool this time too. Again I don’t really know whether this is actually the idea they had in mind, because if so, it’s not really referenced at all. This brings me back to my initial point: Pawniard and Bisharp seem to be made up of a whole bunch of ideas jostling against each other, any of which could be done extremely well, but they’re all jumbled up to produce a result that’s vague and confusing, and not nearly as cool as it should be. To his credit, though, Bisharp is one seriously badass Pokémon. Gallade may have done it first, but the art is still a nice take on that idea. It’s a shame there isn’t something more coherent to back it up.
In summary, I’m disappointed in Pawniard and Bisharp. They have potential, certainly, but I’m simply not convinced that the designers actually knew what they were aiming for. I almost suspect that two or three different people who didn’t speak to each other very often are responsible for these Pokémon. The things that make Bisharp good at fighting (and he is at least vaguely competent; now that we’ve got him you may as well use him if he appeals to you) are, quite simply, the things that make other Dark-types and other Steel-types good at fighting. I am, to put it bluntly, not “feeling it.”
I hereby deny this Pokémon’s right to exist! Let it be sliced into fragments by a billion paper-cuts!
NO NO NO bisharps high stats cool design and dark steel combo makes it a bad ass
ReplyDeleteSome people think Pawniard and Bisharp on the heroes of the Japanese Masked Rider Sentai shows. It's kinda like Power Rangers. This might be why they learn X-Scissor (A bug type attack, since the riders have bug-like masks).
ReplyDeleteI personally just like thinking of them as weird bladed Chess-themed freaks. Not every Pokemon has to be completely based off something; just look at Electabuzz and Magmar.